Hotels are one of the bustling places, especially during holidays, and to ensure the safety and comfort of both staff and guests, elevators are a crucial necessity. These elevators must be designed and installed according to specific standards. The presence of an elevator in a hotel not only creates a comfortable and safe lodging experience for guests but also significantly aids in improving hotel staff's service. Therefore, hotel elevator service holds great importance in many aspects.
• Efficiency and cost-effectiveness
• Comfort
• Providing easy and quick access to floors
• Enhancing the building's aesthetic aspect
• Easier access for people with disabilities
• Facilitating the transportation of guests' luggage by staff or guests themselves
Usually, three types of elevators are used in the design and construction of hotel elevators:
• Traction elevators for hotels
• Hydraulic elevators for hotels
• Machine Room Less (MRL) elevators for hotels
Hotel elevators can also be categorized based on usage:
• Food elevators
• Passenger elevators
• Service elevators
• Freight elevators
• Fire service elevators
Now that we are familiar with the types and categories of suitable elevators for hotels, let's briefly explain the importance of hotel elevator service.
Since the presence of an elevator in a hotel holds significant importance and utility for various users and is frequently used, proper attention must be given to hotel elevator service. Some of the most important reasons to service hotel elevators include:
• Creating a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable experience for guests: Hotels with well-designed and comfortable elevators enhance the travel experience for guests.
• Maintaining the hotel's reputation: Guests expect excellent facilities during their stay, and well-maintained elevators contribute to preserving the hotel's reputation.
• Preventing potential significant costs: Regular maintenance and servicing of hotel elevators help hotel managers avoid potential visible costs (repair costs for elevators and parts) and hidden costs (guest dissatisfaction, slowing down operational processes, reducing the hotel's credibility, etc.).
• Increasing the elevator's lifespan: Regular service of hotel elevators can contribute to extending their lifespan.
Now that you are familiar with the importance of hotel elevator service, it's essential to note that hotel management should allocate a budget and plan periodic servicing for this task. It's preferable for the elevators used in the hotel building to be regularly inspected by an experienced service technician. Calling a service technician only when the elevator malfunctions might lead to disruptions during peak traffic times, causing problems for the hotel and guests.
Therefore, to create a regular program for hotel elevator service, it's advisable to follow these steps:
Plan the schedule based on the hotel's activities, passenger traffic levels, and peak times.
It's better to assess the performance of one or several elevators in each service session to streamline the scheduling.
Examine which elevators are more critical based on the floors and the level of floor traffic. Elevator service on floors with the highest traffic should have higher priority.
Ask your service technician to ensure that, during visits, they not only address elevator issues but also verify the technology and equipment's up-to-date, ensuring timely repairs if necessary.
In conclusion, it is recommended to consult with a reputable company specializing in the construction, equipment, and service of elevators for your hotel's elevator service needs. Utilize certified and professional technicians for the best results. For elevator service, contact Owj Faraz Beihagh (Owj Service) and speak with our experts.
What types of elevators are used in hotels?
- Traction elevators for hotels - Hydraulic elevators for hotels - Machine Room Less (MRL) elevators for hotels
Why should hotel elevators be serviced and maintained?
- To create a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable experience for guests - To maintain the hotel's reputation - To prevent potential significant costs - To increase the elevator's lifespan
Why is periodic service recommended for hotel elevators?
Service visits can prevent the elevator from malfunctioning during peak traffic times, avoiding problems for the hotel and guests.