The elevators and escalators installed at the pedestrian bridge on the Path of Hussainiya in Iraq were developed to enhance the comfort of pilgrims and pedestrians, adhering to international standards.
The Forough Commercial and Administrative Complex is a modern elevator project located in the city of Mashhad, proudly delivered by Owj Lift Company.
Glass elevators are made of shatterproof glass or acrylic, which allows a 360-degree view of the surrounding environment.
The escalator of Moscow's Pobedi Park metro station with tourist and cultural attractions is a journey to a depth of 73 meters. The length of this escalator is 126 meters.
Elevator design is carried out using specialized software and engineering based on data obtained from projects and requirements.
Due to the increasing demand for elevator installation in new construction projects and existing buildings, there is a high demand in the market for elevator installers. It is important for those interested in this profession to familiarize themselves with the requirements of this job before entering the field.
Elevator floor buttons, or call buttons, are installed in the closest position to the cabin doors for easy access and visibility. They are an essential part of the elevator system and play a crucial role in its proper functioning.
It is necessary to follow the steps of installing the elevator door carefully enough to avoid life risks and subsequent financial damages.
Homelift elevators are used in residential buildings and private access properties, and elevators are used in industrial centers and commercial, office buildings.
The challenge of preparing the elevator site, including elevator traffic location, distance from bedrooms, elevator shaft dimensions, etc., is addressed in this article.
An elevator shaft, also known as an elevator pit, is a vital structure located at the end of the elevator shaft, serving as a vertical corridor for the movement of the elevator between building floors.
The elevator standard entails compliance with a series of installation and operation principles in accordance with the law. The necessary criteria and quality of elevators are specified in the standard.