If you are a building manager or planning to buy and install an elevator, we recommend gaining information about the necessity of elevator service and maintenance
There are various factors that paying attention to them can greatly help you in choosing the elevator motor, which we will examine in this article.
Elevator coding is a method that can restrict people's access to elevators by using encryption systems.
The use of personal safety equipment, installation and inspection equipment, safety coolers, warning signs during elevator installation is important for the safety of individuals.
The effect of technology and innovation on elevators and their speed is very significant, and the competition for the world's fastest elevators is always astonishing.
Determining the space required for elevator installation depends on factors such as the number of building floors, the type of use, and the location of the elevator installation in the building. The speed and capacity of the elevator also depend on these factors.
Amazing elevators, such as all-glass cabins or high-speed elevators with high heights, are now recognized as tourist attractions in various cities
Given the significant economic growth of Iraq and the growth of this country in the social and commercial sectors, buying an elevator in Iraq has become a very important need in this country
The elevator has a long history and in the early years of its appearance, it was used as a means of transporting goods.
The escalator is considered an easier means of transportation, which was first built in 1859 by an American named Jesse Reno.
The earliest elevators were initially called hoists for transporting goods and loads, but later they were also used for passenger transportation.
In your opinion, what is the difference between next generation elevators and current elevators? The most important difference between the next generation of elevators is the provision of modern technologies and services in elevators