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|Maintenance|Elevator Repair

Elevator Repair

An elevator is being used several times during the day and it requires repairing for its constant or maybe improper use. You may assume that elevator repair and service is one of the most expensive expenses of a building. Of course, repairing an elevator is a necessity, yet it shouldn’t be costly at all. Elevator repair is a significant concern for contractors and building owners. Owj Service is one of the main Owjlift company services that makes you free from such concerns. 
The significance of elevator repairing.

What is the importance of elevator repair?

The building owners must have an accurate and specific plan to repair and service the existing elevators in a building. Otherwise, they should expect other upcoming troubles such as low safety levels for passengers and the building, improper performance, high costs of repairing and replacing the parts, and inconsistency with the building standard rules. The existence of a good and problem-free elevator has a direct impact on the quality of commuting and the comfort of the residents of a building or its visitors. Considering the mentioned considerations, it is best for the building managers or owners to have a plan for elevator repairs. 
Considering the fact that repairing the elevator is an expert task, we do not suggest interference of non-experts such as members of the building, the manager, or the janitor in these matters. It is best to let professional elevator expert servicemen to avoid further damages and possible life risks.

Elevator repair general categories:

The timing of elevator repairs can be analyzed in two main ways:

Periodic elevator repairs:

In this way, the elevator serviceman visits the project in specific time intervals to analyze the checklist for the proper performance of the elevator and its parts to avoid further elevator damage. In this case, the contractor considers a fixed cost to get the elevator checked, analyze the performance of parts and the device as a whole, as well as repairing the faulty parts. In exchange, the probability of imposing problems in the elevator is reduced and the well-being of the residents and visitors of the building is maintained.
In their monthly visits, the serviceman tests and checks the wire ropes, parachutes, lubrication, rails, wrenches the screws and connections, checks floor levelness, checks cabin condition, and the gearbox and command board.

Elevator case repairing:

The elevator case repair is done when there is a problem with the device or it is out of service. In this case, the contractors ask the elevator serviceman to check and do the required repair and run the device again. 
Generally, case-elevator repair has a low level of safety and imposes further expenses on the owners. On the other hand, the elevator period repairs are more suitable in terms of safety, elevator performance, and imposed costs. 

Repairing different parts of the elevator: 

Repairs of different parts of the elevator are carried out in three main parts:

Command panel repairing:

The wear and tear of used parts, improper input and output voltage and amperage, which leads to wear and tear of the parts inside the panel, etc. are among the most important problems of the control panel, which must be checked by an elevator repairman.

Repairing the cabin door:

Among the elevator door cabin problems, we can mention the problematic door closing/opening, the collision of the door with the door, or the stuck of the door. These issues are normally checked and repaired during the serviceman's monthly visits. 

Repairing gearbox motor:

Mostly, excessive vibrations when the elevator starts or stops moving are related to the problems of the gearbox motor, bearings, and the spiral inside it, which should be checked by a professional elevator serviceman.

In case of what problems should we repair the elevator?

There are some issues and problems which require getting help from a good elevator serviceman. These troubles may include:
·         Not stopping the elevator on some floors
·         Hearing unusual voices when starting to move or in movement
·         Change of speed in movement
·         Stopping between floors
·         Excessive failure of the elevator
·         The long waiting time to open the elevator door or when starting to run
·         Sudden start or stop of the elevator
·         Late performance while pressing the buttons and other issues.

The influential factors on elevator repair costs

The cost of elevator service and repair depends on various factors. Terms and costs of elevator repair are normally discussed beforehand, with the elevator repair company. Normally, the serviceman discusses repairing costs after visiting the project and checking details such as the number of units, type of building, the elevator door system, the elevator condition and extent of damages, etc. As a result, we cannot mention a specific cost for the services, as it can vary based on elevator specifications, buildings, and extent of project damages.

Elevator repairing dos and don’ts

Please note that elevator damages can lead to heavy financial damages and it can put the lives of its users at risk. Therefore:

· Never get help from unexperienced and non-expert people to check the elevator issues
· Do not postpone elevator repairs. This can lead to more damage and put the lives of its users at risk. 
· Do not repair the elevator on your own. By doing so, you may put your life and other users’ lives at risk. 
Do not try to save money in elevator repair costs. Saving in the costs of elevator services will lead to further problems, which may lead to further financial damages and loss of lives. 
In this post, we discussed the importance of periodic repairs and deploying an expert person to repair the elevator. Owj Service is one of the most important services of Owj Lift Company which saves you from such concerns. Please contact the Owj Lift office in Mashhad, Iran to plan for your elevator repair and receive the required guidance in this regard. 

Common Questions

How to get the updated price of the elevator motor?

To receive a consultation and inquire about prices and availability of different elevators you can contact 0098- 0513103.

Is it better to repair elevators periodically or by case?

Generally, elevator case repair has a low level of safety and imposes further expenses on the owners. On the other hand, the elevator period repairs are more suitable in terms of safety, elevator performance, and imposed costs.

What factors influence the costs of elevator repair?

Details such as the number of units, type of building, the elevator door system, the elevator condition and extent of damages, etc. are influential factors in elevator repair.