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Outdoor Escalator

|Escalators|Outdoor Escalator

Outdoor Escalator

"Outdoor escalator" is installed in open and outdoor environments. If installed in semi-enclosed spaces like covered metro stations or pedestrian bridges, they are referred to as semi-outdoor escalators. They function similarly to indoor escalators but are equipped with waterproof and dust-resistant safety features, making them suitable for exposure to water, moisture, and dust. Yellow illuminated strips are often used around outdoor escalators for visibility in dark or nighttime conditions. These escalators have less decorative elements compared to indoor ones and are commonly used in uncovered pedestrian bridges, metro entrances, etc. Outdoor escalators offer more options compared to regular escalators.

Specification of outdoor escalators

Aluminum Dycast Staircase

Control panel with IP 54 protection rating

Hot-dip galvanized coating for the structure of the escalator

Drive with IP 54 protection rating

Special railing for outdoor spaces

Safety switches with IP 65 protection rating

Galvanized chain coating

Electromagnetic insulation with insulation class E

Float switch in the machinery room below

Stainless steel with Grade 304 for steel equipment

Cooling system for the control panel

Motor with insulation class F

Shoulder heater (temperature below 4 degrees Celsius)

Rollers of the escalator chain are maintenance-free.

 Semi-outdoor escalators

Semi-outdoor escalators, with a canopy, are used in places where limited coverage is possible, such as pedestrian escalators with false ceilings. These escalators have additional equipment compared to regular ones.

Given the increasing use of various types of escalators in public spaces, selecting the appropriate escalator based on its intended use is of special importance. Choosing the right escalator considering its usage environment contributes to its extended lifespan, better efficiency, and enhanced safety.

Aluminum Dycast Staircase

Special railing for outdoor spaces

Three-layer paint coating structure for the escalator

Float switch in the machinery room below

Cooling system for the control panel

Control panel with IP 54 protection rating

Safety switches with IP 65 protection rating

Drive with IP 54 protection rating

Escalator step rollers of the chain type without lubrication.

Shoulder heater (temperature below 4 degrees Celsius)

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